Upper Eyre Peninsula Local Health Cluster

Upper Eyre Peninsula in yellow linked script

The Upper Eyre Peninsula Local Health Cluster provides advice to the Board on relevant health issues to assist in decision-making regarding local and regional priorities and opportunities for improvements.

The Upper Eyre Peninsula Local Health Cluster provides advice to the Board on relevant health issues to assist in decision-making regarding local and regional priorities and opportunities for improvements.

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    As Country SA PHN enters its fourth year operation, we are seeking your  review of our relationship with the Upper Eyre Local Health Cluster. 

    Join the open conversation about the last three years. Let us know the highlights of your experience working with Country SA PHN  and  the things we can improve.

    We look forward to your comments and contributions.

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    Sometimes there are so many things that could be done to improve a community's health.  With this in mind, we are interested in knowing your three key priority areas you would like to see addressed. We are inviting you to have a discussion around priority areas to help inform us about your local needs.

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