- Provide one-off funding for community-based projects targeted at innovative projects and initiatives that support quality health outcomes for people living in country South Australia.
- Enable grant recipients to drive health care improvements (outcomes and experience) for people living in county areas, through projects and initiatives that are effective, efficient, sustainable and in support of equitable access to care.
- Not for profit organisations
- Registered South Australian charities
- Community Groups
- Barossa Hills Fleurieu
- Eyre and Far North
- Flinders and Upper North
- Limestone Coast
- Riverland
- Yorke and Northern
- Be a not for profit organisation or registered as a charity on the Australian Charities National Register.
- Have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN)
- Have and maintain adequate Public Liability insurance coverage $10,000,000 per claim and where applicable:
- Professional Indemnity $10,000,000 per claim
- Workers Compensation as required by legislation
- Provide relevant Certificates of Currency with the application.
- Agree to comply with RHIF Standard Terms and Conditions.
- Be able to commence and conclude service delivery by dates specified where applicable.
- Provide evidence of current accreditation, where applicable.
- Apply by completing all sections including the budget within the application form.
Deliver better health outcomes for country South Australians.
Are new or build on existing services, programs and/or initiatives to deliver sustainable improvements or knowledge that will enable better health outcomes at an individual, service and/or systems level.
Capitalise on the opportunity to be bold, apply creative thinking and try and test innovative ideas.
Partner with consumers to better manage their health care.
Provide a contemporary data and evidence-based approach to:
Addressing a need or gap identified in population health data (or another reliable source).
Building knowledge and/or evidence on which effective actions can be based.
Demonstrating the impact of intended outcomes.
What is the Rural Health Innovation (RHIF) Grant?
The objectives of The Rural Health Innovation Fund are to:
Who can apply?
Grant applications will be accepted from:
Applicants may apply individually or seek to identify partners, relevant to the project or initiative.
The proposed services/activities must be delivered within the geographical boundaries aligned with Country SA PHN.
What is the eligibility criteria?
To be eligible applicants must:
If you are unable to meet all pre-conditions you may apply proposing that the grant is auspiced and administered by another agency that can meet the eligibility requirements.
How much funding is available?
The total funding pool available through the Rural Health Innovation Fund is up to $500,000 for 2024/25.
Applicants are encouraged to apply for a portion of the total funding pool relevant to their project. Funding is available from 1 July 2024, funds must be expended by 30 June 2025
What are the key dates and timings?
Key dates for the Grant opportunity are provided in the table below. If RHIF decides to change any of the key dates prior to the closing time for submission of applications, it will give notice of the changes on relevant webpages.(External link) It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor the website for updates.
This timeline is provided as a guide only and RHIF reserves the right to make alterations.
Applications open Monday 4 March 2024
Applications close 5pm Monday 29 April 2024
Grant funds will be required to be expended by Sunday 30 June 2025
Who can I contact for more information?
All communication regarding this Grant opportunity should be directed to the Rural Health Innovation Fund Coordinator:
Trudi Penrose-Starr
Email: RHIF@countrysaphn.com.au
Website: https://www.countrysaphn.com.au/rural-health-innovation-fund/(External link)
How is it decided which programs are reviewed?
Proposals, programs or initiatives will need to align with one or more key focus areas of the Rural Health Innovation Fund:
Who assesses the applications?
It will be at RHIF’s discretion to award funds to one, multiple or no organisations, and determine if the funding proposed is cost effective and equitable.
Applications must meet the eligibility criteria.
RHIF will appoint an assessment panel to review applications and undertake a comprehensive assessment process. The assessment team will evaluate applications to identify projects that clearly demonstrate their capacity to undertake the project and are of benefit to the community.
How will grant applicants be notified of the outcome of assessment?
All applications will be acknowledged on receipt and notified in writing as to whether their application has been successful or unsuccessful.
Can applicants apply for Rural Health Innovation Funding for projects that support mental health and related services?
Yes they can, the project must be:
• community led
• focused on health and wellbeing
• for country South Australians.