Rural Health Innovation Fund

Australian Country side

Rural Health Innovation Funds is a new and exciting opportunity to drive health care improvements for country South Australians.

We are passionate about supporting rural communities by strengthening and encouraging innovative programs that will have a lasting impact.

Rural Health Innovation Fund will create positive change through supporting community-based programs that address the diverse health and wellbeing needs in the rural community.

Our Mission is to support innovative community-led opportunities that enhance country South Australians health and wellbeing.

Rural Health Innovation Funds is a new and exciting opportunity to drive health care improvements for country South Australians.

We are passionate about supporting rural communities by strengthening and encouraging innovative programs that will have a lasting impact.

Rural Health Innovation Fund will create positive change through supporting community-based programs that address the diverse health and wellbeing needs in the rural community.

Our Mission is to support innovative community-led opportunities that enhance country South Australians health and wellbeing.

Questions and Answers

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  • We are looking at applying for funding through our local Health Advisory Council but would not have the necessary insurance protections. Woould it be best to apply through our Hospital Auxiliary which has an ABN but not the relevant indemnity insurance. Would our local Development Board be able to apply

    Kaye Fels asked 11 months ago

    Dear Kaye,

    Thank you for contacting, I have included the eligibility criteria below to help you decide on which organisation may meet eligibility to apply. It all depends on their type of organisation and insurance requirements.

    Please feel welcome to give the Foundation Coordinator a call on 0499 508 937 to go through the eligibility for each type of organisation.

    Who can apply?

    Grant applications will be accepted from:

    • Not for profit organisations 
    • Registered South Australian charities
    • Community Groups

    Who Cannot apply?

    Grant applications will not be accepted from: 

    • For-profit businesses or organisations, research foundations or trusts, professional associations, Statutory Authorities; or
    • Commonwealth or South Australian Government departments including Local Government; or
    • Public and private independent educational institutions for example, primary, secondary or tertiary institutions.
    • Organisations that do not support and/or abide by relevant State and Federal legislation.


    To be eligible applicants must:

    • Be a not for profit organisation or registered as a charity on the Australian Charities National Register.
    • Have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN) 
    • Have and maintain adequate Public Liability insurance coverage $10,000,000 per claim and where applicable:
      1. Professional Indemnity $10,000,000 per claim
      2. Workers Compensation as required by legislation
  • Can you tell me if I need to submit a detailed breakdown of how we intend to use the grant and also detailed breakdown of inkind and quotes . Thank you

    Patricia asked almost 2 years ago

    Hi, yes the budget template is on page 5 on the application form and yes please send through quotes as attachments when submitting the application. The email address to submit the application is 

    Thank you

    Trudi Penrose-Starr

    Rural Health Innovation Fund Coordinator

  • Can applicants apply for Rural Health Innovation Funding for projects that support mental health and related services

    Elizabeth asked almost 2 years ago

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Yes they can, the project must be:

     • community led

     • focused on health and wellbeing 

     • for country South Australians.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

    Trudi Penrose-Starr

    Rural Health Innovation Fund Coordinator