Local Health Clusters Communities

Community wide selection of the population

Local Health Clusters have coverage throughout Country SA. The Clusters meet regularly, providing the community with an opportunity to discuss and gather a wide range of information on local health needs as well as education, social and transport issues affecting the community.

Far West
Lower Eyre Peninsula
Mid North
Upper Eyre Peninsula
Upper South East
Yorke Peninsula

Mid North

Local Health Clusters have coverage throughout Country SA. The Clusters meet regularly, providing the community with an opportunity to discuss and gather a wide range of information on local health needs as well as education, social and transport issues affecting the community.

Far West
Lower Eyre Peninsula
Mid North
Upper Eyre Peninsula
Upper South East
Yorke Peninsula

Mid North

Become a Member

Become a member of your Local Health Cluster. Complete the form below to submit your membership application.

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Maximum characters 255
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