Integrating Primary Health Care Service (IPHCS)

6 Healthy & Active images of varying ages

Welcome to your Integrating Primary Health Care Services community

This collaborative platform has been created and reinvigorated for you as a tool for resources, support and collaboration.

We encourage you to:

  • use 'The Hub', where you can participate in discussions with your fellow IPHCS Service Providers;
  • collaborate with your IPHCS colleagues in 'News, Reviews & Issues' by sharing ideas, stories, articles, problems and solutions.

We’ll endeavour to keep you up to date with relative news & reviews, workshops and webinar. Keep track of your important dates with helpful calendars.

Visit your IPHCS Partners websites to keep up to date with their progress and importantly, contact any of your Country SA PHN support team for assistance or advice.

Welcome to your Integrating Primary Health Care Services community

This collaborative platform has been created and reinvigorated for you as a tool for resources, support and collaboration.

We encourage you to:

  • use 'The Hub', where you can participate in discussions with your fellow IPHCS Service Providers;
  • collaborate with your IPHCS colleagues in 'News, Reviews & Issues' by sharing ideas, stories, articles, problems and solutions.

We’ll endeavour to keep you up to date with relative news & reviews, workshops and webinar. Keep track of your important dates with helpful calendars.

Visit your IPHCS Partners websites to keep up to date with their progress and importantly, contact any of your Country SA PHN support team for assistance or advice.

Discussions: All (16) Open (0)
  • Next IPHCS Workshop - 25/3/21

    by Inara Betts, about 4 years ago
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    We are in the process of planning our next IPHCS face to face workshop with a focus on “Data” to be held on Thursday March 25th.


    • Venue: The Barossa Weintal 
    • Commencing: 10:30 am 
    • Concluding: Approx. 4:30 pm
    • A networking dinner will be held at 6:00 pm and accommodation for that evening is available


    We are asking each provider to consider who will be best to attend on the day to reflect on the topic of data, MDS submission and what information is gathered currently and will be required in the future to demonstrate outcomes of the IPHCS program. We are offering the opportunity for two staff members from each organisation to attend with catering and accommodation costs covered. If you feel you would benefit from bringing an additional staff member as a result of the topic discussion (e.g. clinician who enters the data plus a program staff member and the contract manager) please let us know.


    Please provide your RSVP to the workshop, including dietary requirements and if you require accommodation – both for the evening of the 25th and if travelling, for the previous night (Wednesday 24th).


    Please provide your RSVP by COB next Wednesday the 3rd of February to Brent Matthews, Integrated Care Program Coordinator,


    Agenda and further details will be provided shortly. Feel free to contribute ideas and thoughts towards the workshop program.

    IPHCS Workshop 25th March 2021

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  • SA Healthy Towns Challenge

    by Inara Betts, about 4 years ago
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    A grant opportunity of up to $50,000 for rural or regional towns to develop preventive health programs within their community.

    Applications for Round 4 of the SA Healthy Towns Challenge is currently open and will close on 5pm Friday, 26 March 2021

    Projects must have a prevention focus (based in rural or regional areas), for example: 

    • Projects might focus on reducing the risk factors for preventable chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer by working with the community to:
      • increase physical activity, 
      • decrease rates of smoking,
      • decrease rates of risky alcohol consumption, 
      • improve diet or increase access to affordable healthy food and beverages, or
      • improve the knowledge or skills of the community to make healthy choices.
    • Projects also might focus on reducing injury or supporting better mental health
    • Projects should aim to increase access or opportunity for the community to make healthier choices or participate in activities with a prevention focus
    • Projects should address local health concerns. Ideally, they should include support for disadvantaged groups in the community

     For more information on how to apply, please visit: 

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    On the 26 & 27 November 2020, Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute held their annual Alice Springs symposium via an online interactive format, bringing together national and international speakers to share knowledge and build capacity around chronic disease in rural and remote communities. This educational Symposium is now available on demand. Register here

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    Thank you all for your fantastic efforts with the presentations today. It was great to hear from each of you about the work you are doing under IPHCS. Now there is the opportunity to continue discussion on some of the topics covered in our virtual workshop earlier today. 

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  • IPHCS Guidelines V3- Editable Word Doc

    by Courtney Thorpe, over 4 years ago
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    Hello IPHCS team, 

    We have now finished our quarterly meetings for Q1 and we are looking forward to seeing you all at the workshop on November 26th. 

    The document library has been updated to include the IPHCS Guidelines V3 in Word format. We are asking all providers to review the guidelines and make comments throughout as they deem appropriate. At the workshop we will discussing the successes and opportunities within the IPHCS program and would like to begin the discussion on how the guidelines potentially contribute to these from a provider perspective. 

    Print them out and write on them or make comments on the word document, please feel free to re-share on this platform or send via email to Inara or myself. Don't forget to bring them along to the workshop! 

    Thank you all!


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  • CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Hello IPHCS team,

    We are hosting a face to face workshop titled “Successes and Opportunities” on Thursday November 26th.

    • Venue: The Barossa Weintal 
    • Commencing: 10:30 am 
    • Concluding: Approx. 4:30 pm
    • A networking dinner will be held at 6:00 pm and accommodation for that evening is available

    We are offering the opportunity for two staff members from each organisation to attend with catering and accommodation costs covered.

    We are asking you to provide your RSVP to the workshop, dietary requirements and if you require accommodation for the evening of the 26th.  Please provide us with your RSVP to by COB Friday the 23rd of October. 

    We are asking each provider to prepare a presentation on the day, reflecting on areas of success and opportunity. Agenda and further details will be provided shortly, for those who are unable to attend in person we will be offering a video conferencing option for the formal agenda items. We look forward to receiving your RSVP’s!

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  • Upcoming quarterly discussions- October 2020

    by Courtney Thorpe, over 4 years ago
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    Hello IPHCS team!

    As you may be aware we have recently undergone some organisational change and the IPHCS program management and coordination has been handed from Ali Krollig to Inara Betts and Courtney Thorpe.

    Now that the new team have had time to catch up we have the opportunity to book quarterly discussions.

    At this meeting we will be discussing:

    • Overview of the fourth quarter and overall comments from last year
    • Reporting and MDS data submission
    • Risk management report
    • Future workshop themes
    • Any other business

    Please keep an eye out for the meeting request which will be sent via email this afternoon, 22/09.

    Thank you.

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    Hi All,

    Following our discussion on data, and the possibility of discussion further, I have our Information Management team's agreement to provide a half or full day interactive session in December at a proposed face-to-face workshop.

    I would still like to do a session on 'doing what's needed' covering what is encompassed in service delivery that isn't really covered in reporting but has appeared in case studies - eg what is it that our clinicians and care coordinators do in assisting our clients in a whole person approach.   

    What else would be helpful to you, your clinicians and support staff.  

    Would a session with Danny Hayden be helpful in looking at that sustainability approach? 

    Would you like a clinician session on enabling patient activation or self management?

    As usual, we are happy to support accommodation and meals etc for 2 staff from each organisation but would be happy to negotiate this depending on your input here.  

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    The next session is likely to occur on 12th August 2020 at 9:30 am, where we will be looking at what the IPHCS program is going to look like in the coming years and how we keep it real.

    To assist your thinking and maybe conversation with your teams, I have posted a Microsoft Word copy of the current IPHCS guidelines to the Document Library here for you to review, pull to pieces or add comment, etc.  

    At a basic level, this is about applying the messages you get from your communities, from data and other providers within a relevant and responsive framework.

    There are some things that will not change for example, 

    • the focus will continue to be on communities of 5,000 or less (referred to as small and isolated communities)
    • the capacity of local communities will also be important, as will  
    • assisting people to manage their chronic disease
    • are person centred
    • sustainable, and lastly
    • activities will be integrated (not sit alone) 

      I look forward to some robust input and discussion on this one.



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  • Post Webinar Session 2 - Knowing your communities

    by Ali Krollig, over 4 years ago
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    Hi All,

    Thanks for your participation in this morning's session.  We will post the recording up shortly, and sorry, I didn't hit the record button at the very beginning.  Hopefully by the time we get to the next session in August, I'll have a better handle on managing WebEx.

    You will note that additional documents / links have been added to the Community Engagement Library and remember that Brenton is happy to discuss community engagement with you.  Brenton can be contacted via 

    Let's keep the discussion flowing against the questions in Prep and background for Planning webinar 2. 


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