RHD Australia e Learning Modules and Diagnostic App Released
Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease e Learning modules provide basic to advanced education for all health professionals. The modules are endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing and accredited by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. A certificate is issued upon completion of the modules for evidence of CPD or CME. Points or education hours are assigned to individual packages or modules. Participants are required to follow a simple registration process which provides a log-in for continuation of modules at one’s own pace. https://www.rhdaustralia.org.au/clinician-modules
Additionally, medical officers and Nurse Practitioners/ Practice Nurses can download the free phone App with a diagnosis calculator and quick-reference guide to the Australian Guideline for the diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.https://www.rhdaustralia.org.au/apps