Wellbeing SA Cancer Screening Grants

Wellbeing SA is pleased to announce that the Cancer Screening Grants are now open, which includes Grants of up to $5,500 to support innovative projects aimed at increasing participation in cancer screening.
Grants are available for general practices, community groups or organisations that work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, multicultural groups, people with a disability, LGBTIQA+ communities, people from regional and remote areas or areas of socio-economic disadvantage.
For application forms and details of each grant category, visit Cancer screening grants • Wellbeing SA. To share the post on your social media channels, visit Wellbeing SA • Facebook
Applications close 5pm, Friday 25 November 2022.
If you would like to speak to someone about which grant is right for you, please email us on WellbeingSACANCERSCREENING@sa.gov.au with your contact details and one of our team will get in touch.