What is expected of a partnership between small business and not-for profit organisations?

    The Barossa Local Health Cluster (LHC) encourage partnerships between local small-business and not-for-profit organisations.   We have not defined what a partnership must include; however, some evidence that a project will benefit a sub-population or health priority and complement activities that are supported and endorsed or identified by a local not-for-profit group should be provided.  Evidence of a partnership might also include promotion of the activity by the not-for-profit (newsletter or website) to broaden the include people who may not be known to the small business.  Barossa LHC will seek recognition via inclusionawareness and of our logo on project material.  The small-business applicant would also be encouraged to display the logo of the partnering not-for-profit organisation.

    What are not-for-profit (NFP) organisations?

    Generally, a not-for-profit is an organisation that does not operate for the profit, personal gain or other benefit of particular people. (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission, acnc.gov.au).

    NFP organisations fall within two broad categories:

    •charities, and
    •other NFP organisations that are not charities, for example: most sporting and recreational clubs, community service organisations, professional and business associations and social organisations.